To Tātou Whakapono Our Faith (RE Curriculum) - NCRS
Between 2021 and 2024, I have been very fortunate to work with the NCRS (National Centre for Religious Studies) team part-time. One of the major projects we have been working on has been creating the new RE curriculum document To Tātou Whakapono Our Faith. This will be used by all Catholic schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. The document has been the result of many minds, experiences, sources of knowledge, cultural collaboration, discernment and prayer all combining for collaborative production.
Design-wise, this project started like any design project should—listening first, not only initially but throughout all phases of the design process. By listening, I was able to focus on the classic three Ws, which directed the design.
Why are we doing it?
Who is it for?
What do we want to produce?
Some design points:
- The design focused on visually telling the story of the text, without taking over the text.
- The design was created to honour our Aotearoa New Zealand indigenous Maori culture and traditions, plus be inclusive for all in a multi-cultural society.
- Creation of visual identity and visual elements to be used within the document that tell the story. These elements will also be used in future materials: worksheets, posters, web content, and the list goes on. My work with NCRS will be ongoing, with projects like this is a 'big picture' approach to design that will create consistency and communicate a clear message/story in a visual way.
- Visual elements: Colour, icons, fonts, graphic details, image frames, and photography.
- Elements used to suit: One overall colour scheme and logo, Four Themes, Five Cross Themes, and Eight Phases of Learning.
- The continuous line Illustration style was chosen as an inclusive illustration style.
> Take a look at some of the designs, illustrations and examples of the page layout below.
> Learn more about NCRS and download the full document HERE.
I hope this document is helpful to schools. We will be working on resources and other materials over the coming months and probably years. May these resources and community continue to connect us all to our God—not by living my faith but by living OUR faith.
~ Jane