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Shine its own Light

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

"Tukua kia tū, takitahi nga whetū o te rangi - Let each star in the sky shine its own light."

As I began this 2024 school year, the high school I am on counselling placement had printed this whakataukī (proverb) on the mass booklet. It resonated strongly with my heart. So, with the wee bit of time I have in the evening after study I worked away on this over a few months as a way of saying thank you to the school. As St Mary MacKillop said, "gratitude is the memory of the heart."

Counselling study and placement sure have been intense. I thank God that study is not forever! And I’m also aware of how fortunate I am to be able to share this education with others. I often think of my immigrant grandparents who fought for education and for many women in countries like Afghanistan. I've learned and am learning how mental health needs spread far and wide; it’s a privilege to be in the counselling space.

The new artwork is created as stained glass, with the quote, "Tukua kia tū, takitahi nga whetū o te rangi – Let each star in the sky shine its own light." I hope it captures the essence of unity and uniqueness in the contributions we all bring to the world. Each star, like each person, has a call from God to live life fully, holding its unique brilliance that contributes to the whole.

Additionally, in the light of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024 (Māori language week; 14-21 September) and its theme "Ake ake ake – A Forever Language." This piece connects, emphasising the eternal nature of te reo Māori. Just as stars light the sky, te reo Māori shines on forever, a beacon of identity, resilience, and connection to the land and people.

The large print for the school is currently being framed, and for now, I hope you enjoy these images. If you look closely, you'll discover some easter eggs, like the Matariki star cluster, to honour ancestors whose light shines through us all....


~ Jane

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