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Saint Story - my first eBook

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Exciting news: On the 23rd June, 2017 I launched my first eBook. Huzzah. I've created a wee reflection on the process and i'm letting it unfold and learning as I go...

In 1868 Mary MacKillop let these words burst forth into the world; “Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart.” In early March of this year I found myself looking online for eBooks about Saints. To my surprise there was very little, and there was absolutely nothing for Mary MacKillop. How could this be? While discovering this I felt my own whisper, I felt an energy start to form within me, a light bulb moment burst forth as I thought: “Well, I could create one!” Going in completely blind (and fairly naive), I rolled my sleeves up, got out my pencils and started sketching. I researched cartoon styles via aunty Google and also looked back at what people loved so much about my Saint Cards. I kept listening to my spirit through prayer, and felt energised as the process continued. Many late nights and weekends ensued. Once you feel energy that bursts forth from a whispering it’s not something that can be simply turned off, one must continue through open curiosity and trust. I have drawn cartoons from an early age, so I was able to create the cartoons. Previous work as a graphic designer gifted me the skills to create a custom font, colour the sketches and design the layout. Staff helped me to source photographs, Sisters also helped me to fact check and proof read (Marie Foale rsj and Dolores Maisey were invaluable). Next I chose a contractor to create the javascript (code that makes the eBook function, including interactive buttons). Proceeding on, I learned about the requirements for selling through Amazon, Kobo and iBooks (I did not count on paperwork when I heard the first whisper). Nevertheless, I stayed the course through a wave confusion regarding tax requirements for foreigners. Meanwhile the pesky energising whisperings kept urging me forward… ‘Saint Story’ was released on the feast of the Sacred Heart. Hurrah! This day felt more than appropriate. ‘Saint Story’ is a gift from the heart; all my time and energy are donated and I have paid for the contractor from what little I have. All proceeds will be donated back to the works of MMI too. This process has been fruitful and is helping me to discern possible ministry options as I continue on my Emmaus Journey. I have no idea how the eBook will go and who it will touch. My hope is that it inspires adults and children alike. I also hope to also create further Saint Story eBooks for other Saints (God willing). Mary was real, she walked these streets like you and I do, she cried, she laughed and she most certainly loved. I hope we all have courage like Mary to listen and go where the wind takes us. "If you have love in your hearts, you will have God with you." ~ Mary MacKillop, 1890 ​Jane Maisey Please view how to purchase Saint Story HERE.



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