After a considerable period of prayerful discernment, I have some news to share. I have discerned that I am being called to honour the temporary vows I have taken as a religious Sister until January 2025, but after almost ten years on this journey of discernment, I will not seek life vows and will leave religious life. I share this news publicly, with much support from congregational leadership, Sisters, family, and friends. This decision has not been made lightly, and many factors have been considered. It has been a privilege to have walked this sacred journey, and as I write this, I hold in my heart gratitude, deep peace, and joy.
Through Saint Mary MacKillop and many great saints (canonised or not), I now see that our good God is always full of surprises. She walked a journey full of twists and turns, heartache, joy, and everything in between; no matter what, she kept choosing tender courage in faith.
This illuminates for me that fullness of life calls us to choose courage—from beginning to beginning, always listening and transforming. Continually discerning the fullness of life through the Trinity, just as the simple Latin words “nunc coepi” (now I begin) exclaim—through particular times, places, and spaces; life is a series of beginnings, from beginning to beginning... now I begin (nunc coepi).
In this space today, I now enter fully into what the transition is asking of me while continuing to be inspired by the Josephite charism. My commitment to living a life of joyful and loving service within the Catholic Church and beyond continues to grow. I plan to stay in Auckland and finish my counselling degree at the end of 2025 (God willing!). Additionally, I will begin again, transforming and transitioning with (graphic design, illustration, and fine art), aiming to work part-time in this area—focusing on education and products alongside non-profit, faith-based, and charitable organisations.
The Connection emails will continue to be sent out, and I am open to what will emerge in the future within the creative arts and counselling areas. Feel free to send me any ideas or projects. I hope you enjoy this new artwork and will join me as we transition from beginning to beginning, listening and continually discerning through beauty, goodness, and truth...
Much love and prayer
~ Jane
“WE are but travellers here.” ~ Saint Mary MacKillop
“Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart.” ~ Saint Mary MacKillop
“Courage, courage, trust in God who helps you in all things.” ~ Saint Mary MacKillop
"If I should fall, even were it a thousand times, I will not lose courage, I will not be troubled, but always I will say immediately with peace, nunc coepi (now I begin)…”
~ Venerable Bruno Lanteri
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>View the latest Connection eMail (#37) with links full of beauty, goodness, and truth.