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Updated: Dec 18, 2024

Reflecting back, the last month feels like a time of joy of movement and of many new surprising firsts. It reminds me of when you’re travelling in a car and things seem to whizz by in an array of colours and lights … zoom… In preparation for my first profession on the 13th January I had a strong sense that this was a journey that I did not take alone. Therefore the theme for the Mass was Joyful Communion. Believing that we are all called to live life and live it abundantly (Jn 10:10). No one is greater than another, we are all loved by an endless love, we are all parts of one body in relationship (1 Cor 12:12-27) As relatives, friends and Sisters gathered on the day my joy increased (as well as my nerves!). But the overwhelming sense of home, community and joy was what rang out most in my heart. From setting up the sacred space display, printing of the booklet, organising the Mass, amazing musicians, welcomers, organising cold water (because God seemingly turned the heat and humidity along with the joy!), to our priest (Fr. Brendan), CLT and all who helped with the Mass, it was a community day, a day when we all remembered that we are parts of the one body and we are all nourished by the love that Christ gives us (Matt 15: 32-39). I am too absolutely filled with gratitude for all who helped with the day and for fall who have journeyed with me; may we have many more adventures to come... As part of the preparations Sisters can also choose a name as part of our vow formula. I chose ‘…. of Joyful Solidarity’. I chose this because as I continue to listen and journey I admit my madness and my magnificence. Promising to walk sharing Joy: Joy that comes from surrender to God. Joy that deepens when shared. Joy not in things and stuff, but it is in us, in our body of Christ. And walking in Solidarity: Being with as Jesus lived. Listening with as Jesus listened. Walking with as Jesus walked. As Mary MacKillop lovingly showed us with her life; “Remember, WE are but travellers here.” And now as I venture out into my first community as a Sister of St Joseph and my first full time ministry in a High School I walk in joy and solidarity knowing with full heart that I am not walking alone. The peace and gratitude that flow from my heart reminds me that I walk as part of a whole, walking the path that gives me life, and I thank our God. And I ask you as I did on the 13th January; please don’t pray for me, but please pray with me. And I promise you that in joy, solidarity and prayer I am always with you as part of this body too.


Dear God I am finite candle You hold the infinite match With you I shine Let us shine Let us shine Let us shine Alleluia. Amen. (Prayer written for First Profession)


> View more of this reflection on the SOSJ Website


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