Could you identify with feeling like a lost minion in 2020?
Yea, me too.
It sure was a strange year full of "are you serious" moments. Thankfully, there were also many gifts amidst the chaos. One great thing to come from 2020 was that in December we were gifted with a new short but powerful apostolic letter from Pope Francis. The letter titled Patris Corde (With a Father's Heart) proclaims a year dedicated to St Joseph. As Papa Francesco writes - we can discover in St Joseph "an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble." He further explains that St Joseph "... also teaches us that amid the tempests of life, we must never be afraid to let the lord steer our course. ... at times we want to be in complete control, yet God always sees the bigger picture.”~ Patris Corde
This letter reminded me of St Joseph’s turbulent 2020 style journey. Perhaps Joseph would have felt like a lost minion, proclaiming "are you serious" while acknowledging he was not in control? ... What do you mean Mary is pregnant by the Holy Spirit?
As we move into Lent and into whatever our God of surprises will reveal for us in 2021, I’m going to try my best to honour Joseph’s journey. To simply go to Joseph... to make choices of love and acceptance as he did. To choose courage while letting God steer my course. I’m sure it won’t be easy, but then again transformation never is - but it’s always worth it.
I hope this new image may remind us of the presence of God in our lives. We are not lost Minions - God sees the bigger picture. I'm going to do my best to take our St Mary MacKillop's words to heart and "Trust in God". May this wee image remind us to trust in God's direction, to live with joy, and to keep choosing love no matter where that love takes us. To know that we never journey alone…
> You are welcome to download a Wallpaper for free with this image for your mobile device HERE.
> A special mug design to commemorate this special year dedicated to St Joseph is coming soon (stay tuned).
> View the latest email: Connection #17 + also view all past emails.
On a side note: I am currently in the process of changing ministry and location. In March (God willing) I will be relocating/returning to Aotearoa New Zealand. It has been an absolute gift to be in Australia for five and a half years. I hope to continue to send out the Connection emails and have some part-time artwork projects booked. I am uncertain as to the location in NZ and ministry at this stage, but all will be worked out in God's time. I would be deeply grateful for any prayers you can send my way, and let me know if you would like any prayers too. On that note, let's send out collective prayers and thoughts to all working in schools as the new year begins...
Happy New year everyone
Much love and prayer
~ Jane
